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How to wear your FR Clothing in different combi...

Nick Woodward

Your Safety Shouldn’t be a Guessing Game Tests for FR Clothing are conducted to determine the true protection value of your personal protective equipment (PPE). Testing fabrics and finished garments...

How to wear your FR Clothing in different combi...

Nick Woodward

Your Safety Shouldn’t be a Guessing Game Tests for FR Clothing are conducted to determine the true protection value of your personal protective equipment (PPE). Testing fabrics and finished garments...

Canadian Made PPE

MWG Apparel

The outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc to the global supply chain and economy. The shutdowns that ensued following the rise in cases and deaths in early March...

Canadian Made PPE

MWG Apparel

The outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc to the global supply chain and economy. The shutdowns that ensued following the rise in cases and deaths in early March...